Monday, May 14, 2012

Mr. Omar & Mrs. Gabriela Gracias Bundle of Joy!

Today I had the pleasure of capturing some wonderful newborn portraits of Camilla Ariadne Gracia. She is as cute as a button and I really had so much fun during this session.  

A new baby princess is like the beginning of all things, wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities and this is what Camila Ariadne Gracia will be for mommy and daddy.

The most precious gift from Heaven above
Is the gift of a little princess for a mommy and daddy to love.

Babies are angels that fly to the Earth,
their wings disappear at the time of their birth.

This Baby Girl is a Blessing for you Omar and Gabriela; I wish Happiness in every way, Good Luck God Bless and thank you so much for this opportunity.  I hope you enjoy these as much as I enjoyed capturing them.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

1937 U.S.M.C. Portraits Restoration

I had the pleasure in working for a good man who is a friend of my husband since childhood. Chip gave me a challenging and wonderful job.

He gave me the opportunity to restore and edit his father 1937 U.S.M.C. Portraits.

Thank you Chip for that great opportunity not only was it a challenging one. I am glad that I conquered it and it gave me greater knowledge on controlling and utilizing the tools in Adobe Photoshop and that makes my work worth it all.

I also want to thank your father (Jake) for his services, honor, duties, and sacrifices he gave for this country of ours. May God have him in his glory for all that he did to keep others safe.